Arlen's Production

Innovative THT assembly system, very flexible and efficient, suitable for HMLV batches.

SEHO 8040 leadfree wave soldering

Highly skilled personnel for manual soldering

Our new Yamaha SMT line, based on 500000 euro investment thanks to EU founds

Yamaha YCP10 printer,Yamaha YSM20R pick&place, Heller oven, Yamaha Ysi-V 3D optical inspection

Yamaha YSM20R capable to mount 40000 cph with dimensions from 03015 mm till 45X45mm thanks to its 2 HM heads

ZS intelligent feeders

Quick check before oven

Digital microscope helps to check if IPC-610 standard is accomplished

Yamaha Ysi-V 3D AOI used to make 100% checking to all our products